You can deposit using your Credit or Debit Card (MasterCard or VISA).
To deposit via card;
1. Log in to the client portal
2. On the left side menu, click on "Deposits"
3. Select "Deposit Options (Including Mpesa Express)". Select the preferred account and input the amount you wish to deposit. The currency of the deposit will automatically correspond to the currency of the account that you are depositing into.
4. Select the VISA / MasterCard Logo
5. Fill in all required details below
First and Last Name
Card Number: Enter your 16-digit credit card number on the front of your card
Expiration Date: Expiry date of the card, to be filled (MM/YY)
Card Holder Name: The full name of the cardholder
CVV: The 3- or 4-digit security code (CVV) on the back of your card
Country: The country of issue
6. Finally, click on Deposit . A One Time Password will be sent to your phone which you should input to authorize the payment. Once you have submitted your deposit successfully, your deposit will be instantly* applied to your EGM Securities account
* Where the name of your EGM account does not match the cardholder's name, the deposit will remain pending until verified by our payments team within 24 hours.
*EGM Securities does not accept funds from third parties. Third-party deposits will be refunded to the sender.
Please visit our Payments Terms and Conditions for more information.